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How it works

Revolutionizing the private sale

Get started



Sell a car

Create account

Get access to exclusive private sale features and benefits.

Get verified

Verify your email, phone, and ID to get a green verified check on your profile!

Set up PrivateAuto Pay

Get your account ready to safely receive buyers funds.


Buy a car


Create account

Get access to vehicle history reports, and market values.

Get verified

Verify your email, phone, and ID to get a green verified check on your profile!

Set up PrivateAuto Pay

Add funds or apply for a vehicle loan so you're ready to purchase.

List or browse



Sell a car

list vehicle

List vehicle

Enter VIN and complete the required steps 1-3 to activate your listing.

vehicle history

Vehicle history

View or download your vehicle history report.

vehicle values

Vehicle values

Know your car's value and the upside of selling privately.

vehicle references

Vehicle preferences

Set your prefernces by allowing offers and test drives from verified users only.


Buy a car

vehicle browse

Browse/find a vehicle

Add vehicles to your favorites and save your searches.

vehicle history

Vehicle history

Make informed buying decisions with a vehicle history report.

vehicle values

Vehicle values

Access market values to make more informed decisions.



Access financing, insurance, warranty, shipping, etc.




Sell a car


Respond to messages

No need to give out your personal information any more!

accepts test drives

Accepts test drives

Select a safe location and convenient times in advance.


Buy a car


Send messages to sellers

No need to give out your personal information any more!

schedule test drives

Schedule test drives

Know when and where the seller is available to meet.


Meet up for test drive



Sell a car

accept an offer

Accept an offer

Easily negotiate and accept, reject, or counter offers.


Buy a car

send an offer

Send an offer

Easily negotiate and accept, reject, or counter offers.

Start the deal


Deal started

Step 1.Agree on purchase pricedollar
Step 2.Esign bill of saleEsign
Step 3.Instantly send/receive fundsfund

Exchange vehicle
title & keys

Vehicle sold
Selling made easy

Selling made easy

Take the hassle out of private car sales

ID verification

Value and history report

E-sign the bill of sale

Instant payment

License plate

How it works


Get listed.

get found

Get found.

get paid

Get paid.

All within a single easy app. No giving out personal details or contact information. It's so streamlined and intuitive, you'll want to sell another.
video play
Play Video


Listing fee
Per listing, access the best tools to sell your car privately.

  • Your vehicle’s history report
  • Window brochure with QR code
  • Verified buyer funds
  • Buyer ID verification
  • Choose which payment method you’ll accept
  • Chat, test drive, and offer features
Only pay if your car sells
Closing fee
The safe and simple way to close the sale on your own.

  • Buyer & seller ID verification
  • Offer accept/reject/counter
  • Verified buyer funds
  • E-sign the bill of sale
  • PrivateAuto Pay
  • Instant money transfer P2P
  • Available 24/7/365
  • No commission or transaction fees
Skip the listing and do the DealNow?

*Disclaimer: Account services are provided by US Alliance Financial, a licensed and insured banking institution. PrivateAuto does not facilitate or handle any funds throughout the transasction. All funds in custody of US Alliance. Buyer financing may require additional fees.

Discover the difference

See how PrivateAuto compares to traditional listing sites. Don’t just list your car and then be left high and dry once you find a buyer. Let us take you from listing to Cha-Ching!

Marketing features

Other listing sites


Advertise Your Vehicle

Upload multiple photos

Window Brochure with QR Code

Vehicle History Report included

Transaction Features

Other listing sites

Private Auto

Buyer Drivers License Verification

Secure Messaging: Personal contact info kept private

Manage Offers: Accept, Counter, Reject

Test Drive Scheduler

Bill of Sale: ready to eSign

Buyer Funds: Verified

PrivateAuto Pay: Direct Banking Integration

Get Paid Instantly and Securely

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of selling my car privately?

The main benefit of selling your own vehicle to an individual buyer is that you have full control over the price and any negotiations. In almost all cases, you’re likely to get more money for your car if you sell it yourself versus trading it in. Worried about the amount of time and effort it might take? That's what PrivateAuto's self-service application is for! We have everything you need in one place to close the deal safely.

Why not just sell my car to a dealership?

How long will my listing stay active?

What's a fair price for my used car?

What paperwork do I need to complete?

Does PrivateAuto provide a bill of sale?

How do I receive payment from a private buyer?

How do I get started with PrivateAuto?

Should I list my car for sale on more than one website?

What if a buyer contacts me from a website, other than PrivateAuto?

Where is my VIN?

What if I don't have a title in hand?

Does PrivateAuto provide a window brochure for my vehicle?