How To Transfer a Car Title in Colorado

You need to know how to transfer a car title in Colorado if you’re…
Moving to Colorado from another state
Adding or removing owners
Buying or selling a used car
Donating a car or giving it as a gift
Transferring ownership in a divorce settlement
Inheriting an automobile
Step 1. Check for a Clear Title
If there’s a lien on the title, you’ll need to get a lien release before the title transfer.
If you’re transferring a title from another state, you’ll need a Verification of Vehicle Identification Number (Form DR 2698). VIN verification can be completed by one of the following:
If you’re transferring a title from another state, you’ll need a Verification of Vehicle Identification Number (Form DR 2698). VIN verification can be completed by one of the following:
Colorado law enforcement officer
Authorized Colorado dealer
Licensed Colorado emissions testing station
Step 2. Complete the Assignment by OwnersSection of the Title
Odometer reading
Buyer printed name and address
Buyer signature
Seller printed name and signature
Date of sale
Purchase price
Step 3. Complete Additional Documents
Step 4. Apply for a New Certificate
Complete the Application for Title and/or Registration (DR 2395). If you’re transferring to more than one owner, complete the Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship section.
Step 5. Pay Fees and Taxes
Vehicle title transfer and registration fees vary by county. Check with any of the county motor vehicle offices for your rates.
To transfer a certificate of title in Colorado, you need to Complete both the title assignment on the back of the certificate and apply for a new title.
You may need other forms, depending on your circumstances.
When you buy or sell a used car with PrivateAuto, you get electronic state-specific documents you can sign straight from the platform.
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You may need other forms, depending on your circumstances.
When you buy or sell a used car with PrivateAuto, you get electronic state-specific documents you can sign straight from the platform.
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